
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Our challenge is to design

• A scaled
• Proof of concept prototype
Our prototype device will propel a model car as far as possible in a straight line by converting the potential energy of one liter of water at one meter height.

Dimensions of the prototype model:
• 370 x 165 x 165 mm (Maximum)

Dimensions of the model car: (Max)

• Be 25 mm to 45 mm wide
• Be 65 mm to 100 mm long
• Not be used as a projectile

Weight Limitation:
• Have a mass of 10 ‐ 90 gram

Contest Operation
At the start team member will pour the 1 L of water into the funnel. No one will touch the device other than to pour the water. The entire liter of water will be poured continuously in no more than 20 seconds. At the end of the run, the water will be measured to ensure no loss. Distance traveled will be measured using a string. The straight line distance from the initial location of the model car to the final position will be recorded. A single point on the car will be chosen for measuring and used at initial and final locations. Team will be given two runs. The second run will begin immediately after measurements have been made from the first. The team will manually reset their device between runs.

Device Requirements:
• The only power source to be used is the 1 L of water. If any stored energy is used in the device                 besides the elevated water, teams must prove that the amount of additional stored energy after the device operates is equal to or greater than the initial stored energy.
• The device must have an easily removable and drainable water storage container capable of storing at least 1.1 L of water.

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Introduction to design contest.

The ASME Student Design Competition provides a platform for ASME Student Members to present their solutions to a range of design problems-– from everyday household tasks to groundbreaking space exploration. Each team is required to design, construct and operate a prototype meeting the requirements of an annually determined problem statement.
The Student Design Competition showcases the extraordinary talents of mechanical engineering students while encouraging them to develop innovative ideas towards an improved quality of life for all. Each year, several teams of up to four students compete at Student Professional Development Conferences in districts worldwide. Winners then proceed to finals at the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE). Cash prizes and awards are presented to winners at both district and final competitions